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The SON the Angels Worship & Our Walk Each Day

Hebrews chapter one magnifies Christ like nowhere else in Scripture besides John chapter one.  Jesus is exalted and raised up for our view to a place of true worthiness for even the praises of the angels of the living God Himself.  Jesus is the second person of the Triune God, the God we as believers love and worship, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  What blows my mind is how majestic Jesus is before He enters time to die for undeserving sinners to make them God’s children.  Jesus enters time from a place of such awesome standing for all of eternity past.  God created the earth through the Son, through Jesus’ words.  Jesus continues now in this same glory, but He wears the scars of our sin’s just punishment upon his head, hands, and feet.  He will forever wear the skin of the humanity He Himself created to love and be glorified through, and He is our anthem, our eternal delight, our satisfying purpose for all eternity!

Because of this mystery of humanity entering the perfect fellowship of the Trinity, we can walk through each day with contentment and joy and confidence.  Everything works out from and back into the mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I’ve been learning a lot about eastern thought in relation to Christianity.  Christianity, after all, was birthed in the Jewish people’s history by God Himself.  It’s His baby, His creation for us to fully celebrate and enjoy.  With eastern thought there is what’s called radial thinking, where everything in a person’s framework works out from and back to a central theme.  This is as opposed to linear thought, which is very western and popular around the globe, that we need to get something real concrete and humanism-feeling done together in order to experience real significance.  As westerners for instance, we look at the Great Commission as a big task to knock out.  With a little more eastern perspective on the Great Commission, the Gospel is a big enough kid to know what it is doing… The Gospel blows away our expectations.  God is the Gospel, as John Piper says so well in his book by this title God Is the Gospel.  God has given us Himself in the second person of the trinity, JESUS CHRIST.  In Christ we have God Himself planted in our spiritual and eternal beings, we gain the Holy Spirit because of Jesus being our peace with God.  Our hearts become a place where God can dwell with humanity for all of time and then for all of eternity!

Now, here is the stretch for me personally and my blog and VLOG activity of late.  This is where my readers may take a season of sabbatical because I’ll probably come across as a cook = )

With my unicycling, I think of this radial thinking.  As I ride around Merced, CA and other places, taking about what I’ve read in God’s Word and sharing encouragements, I think of this radial thinking as the single wheel I’m riding.  We should be suspended by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, suspended between the earth we walk on and the Heaven we are destined for, suspended there by a constant meditation on the Gospel.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the anthem that ties us to our Savior and keeps us in a constant healthy place of mind and spirit, aware of everything in our most real experience of life working out from and back to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Remember good old Romans 8:28, friends, and consider God’s good intentions for us.

Bear with me on my VLOG entries as things hit the camera every once in a while and it’s pretty LOUD!  Sorry!  Also, when I talk with people, I’ll work on not moving the camera around so much.

Enjoy your morning!



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